Thursday, November 17, 2011

Spring Gardening Part 1.

          Hello, and good day to you all, we hope you all are having a good day. Welcome back with us on Garden The Easy Way, this is Ken and Marilou. Today we would like to talk about taking care of your garden, here in Missouri the weather is so very cold it will kill your garden every year. Today we would like to talk about taking care of your garden, after the weather has killed the garden.   
           My wife Marilou is from the Philippines and they do not have cold weather there, like we do here in Missouri, in the Philippines it is summer weather just about all year round, except for the rainy season, and even then the weather is great for the gardens.

In the Philippines gardens grow all year round, so you can imagine the how surprised Marilou was when she seen her first snow at the age of 33, Marilou was so happy to see the snow for the first time, we made her first snowman, but Marilou was a little sad when I told her the cold weather here would kill all of our garden, unlike in the Philippines where the garden can grow all year round.  So here in Missouri we do have to replant our garden every year in the spring.  
            Here in Missouri, what we do is after the cold weather kills our plants, we pick all the vegetables off and we remove all the plants off the garden. And as you all know if you have been following our blog we have a raise garden so the soil is so easy to work with, so after all the plants have died, I will remove them just by pulling them up, and then I will use my potato fork or a shovel and work up the soil and just let it set all winter.
            The first week in April I will work up the soil with my potato fork again, and then I will use my garden rake and level the soil. Now we are ready to plant.                                               

             Tomorrow we will tell you what you can plant in the early spring and what you can not plant until the weather get a little warmer.

 Well I guess that is it for today, we hope to talk to you all here tomorrow, on Garden The Easy Way. Until then good gardening. Ken & Marilou