Today, we will be sharing a family recipe all the way from the Philippines. This recipe is one of my wife Marilou's family recipe, and it is so very delicious. My wife Marilou is a Filipino and let me tell you that my wife and her Mother and sisters have a lot of very good recipes, and they all are so very delicious. We will be sharing some more recipe with you later but let me tell you about this one first. The name of my wife's family recipe for today is " Napa Cabbage Family Recipe ", it is very healthy for you. Some people call this cabbage " Chinese Cabbage ", here in the USA we just call this cabbage " Napa Cabbage ". It is my wife Marilou and my favorite cabbage when it comes to eating. We like eating other cabbage but this Napa is the best for us, we love it. OK, Marilou is ready to give you the recipe. ( So Enjoy Eating Your Napa Cabbage ).
2 lbs. of meat ( pork or beef meat, whichever you prefer )
1 whole of Napa Cabbage
1 Onion ( cut in half )
1 Garlic clove
6-7 cups of water
1 tsp. of salt, we use sea salt.
1 tsp of pepper.
1. In a pot, boil the meat in 7 cups of water. Cover and boil in medium heat.
2. When it start to boil, add the onions and garlic.
3. While the meats are boiling, take out the brown stuff and bubbles that comes out from the meat.
4. Cover the pot, let it boil for 45 minutes or until the meats are tender.
5. Add salt and peppers to taste.
6. Lastly, you add the Napa cabbage. You can tell when it's done, just take a fork if it cuts easy.
** Napa cabbage is so quick to cook, make sure not to overcooked the cabbage.
** Napa cabbage is best to cook with pork meat or beef meat.

** If you use beef meat, you can add potatoes and green beans. For more flavor taste add a beef cube.
Well that's it for today, we hope to talk here again tomorrow on Garden The Easy Way. Until then, this is Ken & Marilou wishing you all Happy Gardening Always.